A sneak peak into my weight loss journey whilst attempting to spread the self love bug!

@CurvaliciousGirl Instagram!

Friday, 7 November 2014

Those Jeans

The reality of loose skin in jeans, my stomach gets turned into a round bulge & it isn't the most flattering view!... However check out my legs!?! I had to look twice..  Okay my stomach isn't flat, but I can still rock it, in baggy tops or not, the image on the right has always intimidated me, In fact I would probably feel more confident in underwear, but today for the first time I am really comfortable, it doesn't horrify me, it doesn't make me sad, it makes me happy ... I'm content, I adore my reflection & how far I've come,  I truly love that I can rock a pair of jeans after more than 5 years of living in leggings.. Yes they're a size 16, but size doesn't really mean a thing! It's about how you choose to embrace your shape, how you style yourself, how you wiggle your hips, smile & hold your head high. My body is my own, as long as I'm pleased & proud then that's all that really matters.. 
So slip on your jeans ladies & strut your stuff, you're beautiful, never forget it & never feel you can't wear what you want to, style doesn't have a size....✨ x

PS. Sorry for lack of posts I haven't been well, please bare with me - in the meantime feel free to add your name to the self love parcel list if you want a shot, I will try and get around to it once I'm feeling better xxx 💖 all info is on Instagram @Curvaliciousgirl 

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